Are you intelligent? Where does intelligence come from? Can a computer be intelligent? How do you acquire emotional and spiritual intelligence? More on this, but first a story.

As I mentioned in my previous post I have been studying Qi Gong, which is an energy practice designed to promote self-healing. This story was recounted to me by my teacher. In ancient times there was one group who was training warriors to fight with weapons and aggressive combat techniques. There was a second group training warriors as well, but this group taught the warrior how to heal first. They were not even given a weapon or any combat training until they could heal themselves and others. They were often taught how to heal with practices like Qi Gong and other techniques designed to cultivate energy and connect with their innate intelligence. It turned out that the warriors that were only taught to fight in the first group were not expected to come back, they were kamikazes of sorts and they were under a high degree of mind control. They were programmed to disconnect from their innate intelligence so much so that they would sacrifice their bodies (and their lives) for their country or whatever group was “using” them. The second group of warriors are those spoken of in legends—as having a reputation for such super human abilities that their opponents would lay down their weapons as they knew they did not stand a chance. This is what you can become if you heal and connect with your true intelligence.

Usually intelligence is used in reference to how smart you are. How much you know - about a particular topic or the world. Often it refers to your ability to communicate and express your views about what you know. Oh, that person is so intelligent. Did you hear them talking the other day on that podcast.

Artificial intelligence is something that many people appear to be quite interested in. I have zero interest in it and I think the sole purpose of the AI agenda is to disconnect you from your true intelligence, which is rooted in what you are, a spirit, having a human experience. As a spirit you are wired to have spiritual intelligence. As a human, you are wired to have emotional intelligence and your body of course is an intelligent  being giving you all sorts of information. This wiring becomes distorted during our lives as we acquire more belief systems and more programming. This programming is so powerful that it causes us to override our innate intelligence. Imagine a person continually eating a food that makes them feel like shit. Or a person staying in an abusive relationship or getting in one abusive relationship after another.  Or listening to the advice of a person, group or organization providing utterly nonsensical advice, but they do it anyway. Or attacking people that are helping others heal. Or defending people that are obviously hurting others. These people have been programmed to NOT listen to what is most important.

There is an intelligence far greater than anything that can be spoken of. There is an intelligence far more powerful than anything that which is conceived by a human mind. The mind can’t even comprehend it, which is why it is so hard to talk about. When I say that you probably go to something like God and you turn it into something outside of you. But that is another belief system. What I am talking about is what you are. What if you could comprehend that this intelligence is beyond form. It is actually even beyond formlessness which is a term often used in some spiritual circles. I like the term “pure potential” as in a substance prior to even form and formlessness, which is effectively the raw material used to create of our reality.

What is happening right now is that you are being programmed to think that an artificial intelligence will save the world. You are being programmed to think that the next step in human evolution is transhumanism. A merging of human and machine. It will not. It will further disconnect you from the intelligence that is most important. The intelligence that is rooted in pure potential.

When I was growing up, the original terminator movies (the ones with Arnold) were popular. And you saw that effectively these machines were pretty much unstoppable and they destroyed the world. However, there was a group of people who banded together to help fight the machines. Well in this version of reality that we are living, what you will see is a spiritual war. A war designed to disconnect you from your spirit, because the creators of the machines know that they stand no chance against you when you are connected to spirit. Well, the war has begun and there are also many people here banding together to help fight the machines. And the best way to fight is to heal yourself first, reconnect to what you are so that you can ignite your powerful intelligence. Heal and then you can fight. To be honest, healing yourself psychological and spiritually is a battle that will prepare you for anything you could ever imagine. And so, then you start becoming the unstoppable second warrior group.