This story is about life and death. When my daughter was just a few months old we had a very powerful interaction with a stranger in a store. She was strapped to my chest in a baby carrier and we were walking around looking at furniture. I think we were in the market for a new couch. All of a sudden we turned and looked at the front door. An older gentleman, probably in his 90s slowly came in. He had a cane and someone assisting him. He was at a point where he was having a hard time walking and having a hard time talking to be honest. Anyway, as is often the case, a new baby is like a puppy and people want to come say hi to you. He made his way over and at first I went into dad protector mode and was a bit tense. Then I saw the light in this guy’s eyes as he interacted with my daughter. It was probably the same light that she had in her eyes. Unadulterated light, no bullshit, pure love. The person he was with was trying to get him away from us thinking we didn’t want to be bothered with him. But my daughter was also trying to communicate with him. He didn’t need her to though, he was communicating in a different way.  I don’t remember much of what he said aside from the way he said goodbye. He looked at my daughter and he said “Have a nice life”.  Just like that and he turned and left the store. It is like he walked in that store to give us that message. I will never forget it. A statement like that coming from a person on their way out to someone on their way in made me cry, and it still does. This man had had an entire life, which I don’t know anything about. His life is coming to a close. My daughters life was just starting and some day it will also be ending. Just like mine and yours and everyone’s. It was a reminder to be more present and more in touch with life, both the joyous moments and the painful moments and everything in between. Some day it will indeed be over.

Of course we get these messages or reminders and they touch us. Life starts to look and feel a bit different. Things that used to annoy us, don’t. People that used to trigger us don’t. We become more creative and more productive. We are perceiving this reality from our natural state, without our programming. Our programming has been turned off by our present moment awareness, by a sense of awe regarding this reality, by a letting go and ultimately by LOVE.  But…….. One day our programming gets turned back on and we revert back to our programmed state. When this occurs, we become scared and judgmental and insecure and controlling, to name a few. In the process we cut ourselves off from the flow of life. We prevent our beautiful unique personality and talents from flowing through us. To heal this you must get rid of the programming. Doing this requires a psychospiritual approach coupled with some form of practice which brings you back into your body and allows you to feel your body (really feel it). The O.U.T Healing process does both of these things. As discussed in my prior post, Qigong has become my favorite practice for getting in touch with your body and balancing the human energy system. I have started sharing Qigong videos on instagram You can view them HERE. Some of the movements can be learned from my videos, others will be more complicated and will require individual instruction. If you have an interest, please reach out.