Healing can occur in various ways. Many are familiar with the idea that foods and natural supplements can heal, that sleep and rest can heal, that certain hands on therapies can facilitate healing or that talking to someone can help heal or that certain self-work in the form of journaling and visualization exercises can heal or that music/sound can heal or that movement can heal or that a group of people on the same frequency can heal.

Well my favorite form of healing happens to be the kind that seems to happen randomly (although it is not random) and most often with a stranger in a public setting.

I was first exposed to this form of healing when I was living in New York City and spending quite a bit of time walking around a park near where I lived. It was during this time that I was starting to change my resonance from a fear frequency to a love frequency. When you are on the love frequency there are times when you are put in situations where healing can occur, whether it be for yourself or for others. It is almost as if the love just needs to spread. I am sure this has happened to everyone during their lives but this is the first time I was directly aware of it. I would often be walking down the street, or in the park or doing errands and would have brief interactions with strangers where brief words were exchanged, but I would walk away with my eyes watering because I knew there was something about the exchange that was divinely orchestrated. It was actually a good gauge for my state of being because there were also many days where this wasn’t happening and I was definitely on a negative frequency.

One specific example which I wanted to share happened quite recently. First, with a little background. There is food store which I frequent, and most of the time I am there with my daughter. There was a woman at the checkout counter that I have seen multiple times. I noticed that very often she would have an attitude with me and not even offer to give my daughter a sticker like the other cashiers. Years ago I would have been bothered by the way she treated me, but now I just become aware of it and give a smile instead. Anyway, one day she was a little different, she started talking about her daughter and she gave my daughter multiple stickers and THEN she said “Don’t worry, my daughter is 16 and still loves her father.” At that instant I understood why she often had an attitude with me. I knew that she was probably no longer married and she was angry with her ex who may have been the primary caretaker and that she was dealing with some internal turmoil related to her role as mother and whether she was a good mother. And on prior visits, seeing me (a dad) with my daughter was a major trigger for her. However, something changed on this day and she opened up and as soon as she said “Don’t worry, my daughter is 16 and still loves her father.” I knew what to say to her to complete the healing. I looked in her eyes and said “I am sure you are a wonderful mother”. I saw a sparkle in her eye, and I walked away and my eyes watered up. Because I knew this was a healing event that was facilitated by something beyond ME. Neither of us did anything, we were just acting out the scene we were supposed to be acting out at that point in time. And this was not just a healing for her, it was a healing for me, because any time you help someone heal their own pain, you are healing pain in yourself and you are healing the pain in the world.