“Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” - 1989, Batman, The Joker

Why Yes, Yes I have. Let me tell you about it.

From an early age we are taught to ignore the unseen. To ignore our gut feeling, our intuition, what we feel inside. The funny thing is that we are wired to interact with this unseen world, until we are unplugged that is.  We are unplugged as we move through our lives and are told by people around us that if it doesn’t fit into one of the 5 senses then it can’t be real. Or when we are taught in school that there is a body and nothing else. Well, I am here to remind you (not tell you because you already know it) that there is an unseen world around you that is interacting with you. This unseen world can interact with you in many ways. In some ways you can be supported by these unseen forces (angels, spiritual guides, your own spirit etc,) and in other ways these unseen forces can block you from moving forward. I call these forces Unseen, but any shaman, seer, intuitive is working with these forces when they go about their healing work and they are as real as the world you consider real.

Here I want to discuss the “negative” side of these unseen forces, the idea of entities (or some people use the words demons or the devil).  I prefer to use the words external energies. I hesitate to write about this sort of thing, but I believe that if you are on the healing path, you will encounter them. One of the reasons I am writing this newsletter is to inform people of what they are up against when it comes to real healing. Also, this topic seems to have gained more attention in recent years and I often hear of people offering entity removal services almost as if they are an exterminator.  Most importantly I am here to offer you some techniques that you can use to assess whether this is part of your path and how you might deal with it. All of this is based on my own experience in dealing with external energies.  Anyway, if you are still with me, here it goes.

External energies are energies that are not YOU. They should not be living in your energy field. They are like parasites that choose to attach to you on an energetic level. They may hang out with you for short or long periods of time. They can lie dormant or be very active or anywhere in between.  When they are dormant you won’t even be aware of their existence. When they are active you may feel any number of dysfunctions present themselves. The energies often interact with you in a more subtle way. 


  1. You ask for them - I first became aware of the existence of entities many years ago through something I read. At the time I thought they were cool and wanted to experience them (although I have probably been dealing with them since I was a child). Well, ask and you shall receive. I had all sorts of things hanging out with me and around me. They most often made me feel extremely anxious (which wasn’t normal for me) but at times I would be “attacked” during my sleep. I do not care to share the details of this but it wasn’t pleasant. I rarely saw anything, but my wife did. Eventually she was like, you need to stop whatever you are doing. And so I stopped asking for them to come and things got better.

  2. You create them (sort of) - Many entities are in fact not external energies. They are thought forms which you have created which can then manifest as something that seems like an external energy. These will collapse like a house of cards once you recognize them.

  3. Trauma and Wounds as Entry Points - Any trauma that you have experienced or wounds leave openings for these energies to enter. The wounded ego is ripe for entry.

  4. Nearing a Breakthrough - If you have been doing a lot of deep work and you are nearing a real breakthrough or turning point in your life,  they may manifest and attempt to block you so to speak.

  5. As Part of Your Path - If you are undergoing some form of initiation as shaman, healer or someone whose work will be to learn how to help others heal on a deep level, you will have to learn how to deal with these energies and they may be put in your path.



  1. Your main aim should be to heal core wounds and trauma from your past through deep psycho-spiritual work. This will create less entry points.

  2. Get a baseline for your personality and the way you feel. Learn when something is “off” with you, or your environment or those around you. It could simply be related to a nutritional imbalance or some other more tangible thing. 

  3. Develop a method for assessing your energetic environment and those around you (Pendulums, muscle testing,etc.) This relates to point 2 but you need to be aware of others as well because external energies can sometimes attack you through other people.

  4. Make sure you consider thought forms which can manifest as entities. When dealing with thought forms anything that you can imagine is helpful (i.e. imagine a magical sword being used to defeat this “phony entity”). 

  5. LOVE - If you feel an imbalance, you are likely being put on a fear, hate, anger or rage frequency. This is where external energies want to put you. If you can imagine LOVE, real love, either towards a person or yourself they will often dissipate. Thinking about someone you don’t like and bathing them in love can be particularly helpful.

  6. BE ASSERTIVE - Say out loud or in your mind, that you are not allowed to be here. 

  7. USE PROTECTION - Crystals, herbs, smoke, tobacco, flower essences, prayer. These techniques have been used for thousands of years by peoples all over the world. 

  8. Avoid engaging in moon rituals or any other ritual for that matter that you do not fully understand. It is often best to create your own rituals.

  9. Avoid one night stands and sexual encounters until you get to know someone. I once heard the term STD refer to “sexually transmitted demons” which I found quite funny, but is also quite real.  Closely related would be to avoid pornography as it is a playground for entities.

  10. Occasionally you will need the help of an experienced healer but be wary of people offering entity removal services. 

In summary, I would say that you should avoid giving a lot of your energy to these energies and to try not to take them so seriously. This goes for a lot of the deeper healing work, which can get quite intense at times. It is important to keep a flexible mindset. The quote at the start of the article, which some may view as dark, is actually a reminder for me to lighten up with the potentially darker side of healing.